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Recap Artist Meetup xmas Editon 17.12.2024

Reflecting on our final artist meetup of the year, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended and contributed to our vibrant lineup:

@susi_likes_mint, @agonashporta, @palmira.furman, @ilia.musica, @maximvaga, @leogassomusic, and the DJ-set by @dena_ftb.

Your performances made the evening truly special.

We also want to acknowledge our incredible sponsors for their generous giveaways: @yamahasynths_official, @shure, @bytefm, @noisy_rooms, and @nativeinstruments. Their support is invaluable to us.

Thank you everyone for another remarkable year filled with events, networking opportunities, and new connections. We look forward to seeing you again next year!

As the year winds down, we wish you an enjoyable time off—stay healthy and take care of yourselves.

All the best,

Your Music Pool Berlin Team

Discover Berlin Playlist Wrapped 2024

Discover Berlin Wrapped: A Musical Journey Through the Music Pool Artist's Vibrant Soundscape

As the year ends, Music Pool Berlin is excited to unveil our "Discover Berlin Wrapped" playlist. This carefully curated collection showcases the incredible diversity of Berlin's music scene. This playlist is not just a compilation; it's a celebration of the talented artists who have contributed to the city's unique sound throughout 2024 and have been part of our community.

Featuring an eclectic mix of genres—from pulsating electronic beats to soulful indie melodies—this playlist captures the essence of Berlin's vibrant music culture.

You can now explore the "Discover Berlin Wrapped" playlist on multiple platforms, including **Spotify**, **Tidal**, and **YouTube**. Whether you're a music enthusiast, an industry professional, or simply curious about the sounds of Music Pool Berlin Artists , this playlist is your gateway to discovering new favorites and connecting with emerging talent.

Join us in celebrating the artists who make Berlin's music scene extraordinary. Listen, share, and spread the word about these incredible talents. Together, let's amplify the voices that make our city's music unforgettable.

You can listen to some of them, live tomorrow at our 17.12. 7:30 pm // Artist Meetup - xmas Edition.

**Listen now:**




17.12. 7:30 pm // Artist Meetup - xmas Edition

Shortly before closing the year, we would like to open the stage again for another Artist Meetup, at House of Music, along with some specials and surprises.

The Music Pool Berlin Artists Meet Up offers a platform for musicians to share their music projects with a wider musician community, to get to know what other musicians are currently working on, and to ask for feedback, ideas or support, and find new collaborators. The meetup also creates exchanges across music scenes in Berlin.

This time we will have 6 slots for artists to present (along with the specials & surprises), and would like to focus on live performances this time. Each artist or band has about 10 min to play 2 songs/tracks, with a basic setup. You are very welcome to use your slot also to ask the audience for feedback or talk about what you are looking for. After the performances, there will be music and drinks, and time and space to get to know each other. To chat more about the presentations, to discuss potential collaborations, to exchange ideas and contacts. And to move better together than alone. There will also be ways for those not performing on stage to present what you are looking for or offering. We look forward to another meetup of exchange - between scenes, different interests and experiences, and on new joint pathways.

If you would like to apply for a performance slot, please write in a short email to why you would like to present along with a link to your music, by December 4th.

It´s worthwhile to show up also if you´re not presenting.

Please register to attend here.

What you can expect:

++ 6 performances

++ Raffle with prizes

++ Peer-to-peer networking with drinks and music

++ door: 7:00 pm, performances, and prize draw start at 7:30 pm

DJ: tba


10.12. 14 Uhr // Künstliche Intelligenz im Spannungsfeld des Urheberrechts: Herausforderungen und mögliche Ansprüche

In diesem Workshop werden die rechtlichen Herausforderungen, die sich durch den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in der Musikproduktion ergeben, beleuchtet. KI-Technologien haben das Potenzial, kreative Prozesse zu revolutionieren, werfen jedoch gleichzeitig komplexe Fragen rund um das Urheberrecht auf.

Ein Fokus liegt in der Frage, inwiefern KI-generierte Musik urheberrechtlich geschützt werden kann und welche Ansprüche sowohl für die Entwickler *innen der KI als auch für die Künstler*innen bestehen, die solche Technologien nutzen. Darüberhinaus wird erörtert, inwiefern bestehende gesetzliche Regelungen mit den neuen kreativen Möglichkeiten Schritt halten und welche rechtlichen Unsicherheiten sich in der Praxis ergeben.

Ziel des Workshops ist es, ein Verständnis für die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und zukünftigen Entwicklungen im Bereich des Urheberrechts in Verbindung mit KI zu vermitteln.

Coach: Ingrid Yeboah


09.12. 2 pm // Sample Packing: Turn your tracks into an additional income stream

Creating and releasing Sample Packs can be a rewarding process for artists, giving both new life to existing work, and developing an additional income stream. On platforms like Splice and Bandcamp and everything in between, electronic artists can release sample packs made of their own sounds and share them with the world. In this workshop, participants will turn one of their own tracks into a themed sample pack ready to be packaged and sold. Participants will have the option of sharing their sample packs with the other workshop participants.

Target audience: Intermediate music producers curious about how to make their own unique and distinctive sample packs

Workshop requirements: Participants to bring a laptop with a DAW installed, headphones, and a recent original track from which to make samples out of.

Content: Participants will be walked through the technical and conceptual considerations of creating a cohesive and unique sample pack from their existing work. This will include hands-on time within which to process and package the samples, as well as legal considerations and an overview of potential marketing opportunities and vendors.

Coach: Ivy Teresa from Éclat Crew


  • 2,00 € pro Monat
  • ca. 2,07 $ pro Monat

Please be advised that the INFO-BOARD is NOT on this platform, once we see your payment going through, you will get an email from us to the real INFO-BOARD. Because we have to do this manually it might take a few days. Send us an email if you have questions to

Info-board - be a part of our community !

  • subscribe to exclusive weekly handpicked information on open calls, funding, jobs, networks, showcases, further education, help for music creators ...// Info-Board (Aktuelles zu Ausschreibungen, Jobs, Förderprogrammen u.v.m.)

Get a year full of knowledge

  • 20,00 € (einmalig)
  • ca. 20,71 $

Please be advised that the INFO-BOARD is NOT on this platform, once we see your payment going through, you will get an email from us to the real INFO-BOARD. Because we have to do this manually it might take a few days. Send us an email if you have questions to

Here you can get yourself or your artist friends the gift of knowing more about the Berlin music scene:

Including weekly handpicked updates on, funding opportunities, job opportunities, open calls, workshops, info on the Berlin music business, showcases, and many more. 

For a one-time fee of 20€ (instead of a monthly 2€=24€/yearly), you get a one-year subscription to our INFO-BOARD MusicPoolBerlin, und bekomme sofort

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